The glittering world of high society is the playground for the rich, titled, and reluctantly undead...
Alec MacQuarrie's after-life has become an endless search for pleasure in an effort to overcome his heartbreak and despair. Wandering through the seedy world of London's demimonde, he's changed into a dark and fearsome creature even he doesn't recognize until he stumbles into a magical lass he knew once upon a time and sees a glimpse of the life he could have had.
But the ton is no match for one incorrigible young lady...
After watching each of her coven sisters happily marry, Sorcha Ferguson is determined to capture a Lycan husband of her very own. When she encounters Alec, she decides to save her old friend from what he's become, all while searching for her own happily-ever-after.
Over his dead body is Alec going to allow this enchanting innocent to throw herself away on an unworthy werewolf, but that leaves him responsible for her, and he's the worst monster of them all...
The formula used in It Happened One Bite and In the Heat of the Bite became a little predictible, so I was skeptical when I learned Alex McQuarrie, a recently turned vampire, would be the hero of Never Been Bit. But to see Sorcha Ferguson, the youngest and spunkiest member of the coven as the heroine -- well, I never imagined that.
Ever since witch Elspeth Campbell married lycan Benjamin Westfield, Sorcha has been wishing for a lycan of her very own. She doesn't understand the hows and whys, or why seer Caitrin Thorpe won't confirm a lycan in her future, but that's not going to slow her down. There are plenty of available lycans to chose from; she only has to make her decision and stick to it.
Alex McQuarrie dislikes his life as a vampire. He chose it over certain death but regrets it for many reasons, chief among them a lack of love or a happy future. When he discovers Sorcha is on the hunt for a lycan mate, he reacts with surprising jealousy. This is Sorcha; he's known her almost their entire lives!
Sorcha's and Alex's is an unexpected romance, a true friends-to-lovers journey, and is perhaps the sweetest of the love stories shared within this series. Never Been Bit is a great way to end the series with a high note.
(A very special thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca who provided me with an ARC of Never Been Bit.)
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